Chiko Inu さんのプロファイルhideo ihara さんのプロファイル

“Don't forget what makes your heart beat”

み な さ ん「恋」し て ま す か ? 恋 人 は い ま す か ?

Have you ever been in love? Are you in love right now?
It's can be difficult to decide what to give the person you love.
You think about they like, think about what they want.
You overthink and become so consumed with picking the prefect present that you can't choose anything at all.
But we want to remind you of something very important.
The answer is much more simpler than you think. It's the way your heart beats that counts.
Remember how you felt during your first date or when you gave them a present for the very first time?
The person you love doesn't just make your heart beat, they make your heart beat faster.
Motion Graphics: Hideo Ihara
Illustration: Chiko Inujima
“Don't forget what makes your heart beat”
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