I designed this logo in Illustrator for a group from my church. I was asked for a design that was "stained glass-esque with a darker color scheme. Something almost archaic looking. Deep meaning, but simple looking."
I designed this logo in Illustrator in 2013 for the Voluntary Action Center's Faith in Service to Humanity Fund.
I designed this logo in 2011 for the Youth Community Coalition in Columbia, Missouri.
I took Strategic Design and Visuals during my first semester of graduate school, and we designed logos for the Nissan Leaf to use in projects throughout the semester. I intended the symbol to represent both veins of a leaf and roads diverging from a highway.
I designed this logo for Asbury's 2009-2010 student chapel theme using Illustrator. (I created the rest of this piece in Photoshop.)

The theme was based on a section of C.S. Lewis' The Great Divorce. The scarlet color and the flame image I chose were both inspired by the passage.
I designed the logo for the Asbury University Class of 2014. (Every class at Asbury has a class name. This was the Illuminated class.) The logo will be used on publications for the four years that these students are at Asbury. It was also printed on t-shirts for the 300 students in the class. I've included their class picture below.
Logo Design
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Logo Design

Includes both client and student work.

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