Perfil de Andrés Lopez

Souvenir by Kurt Vonnegut | Book Jacket Design.

For this project, I was given the task to create a book jacket for “Souvenir” a short novel by Kurt Vonnegut. The novel takes place after W.W.II and the story revolves around a pocket watch.
The design process was really different for this project, I wanted to stay away of the computer as much as I could and make something to digitalize later.

Of course I wanted the pocket watch to be the main focus of the cover, but I wanted it to be special, unique and meaningful, so I drew it. I also printed a few articles from the era and made a collage to lay on top of it to wrap the whole concept of W.W.II, this is the final physical version:
Heres the digital copy of the book jacket.
Souvenir by Kurt Vonnegut | Book Jacket Design.

Souvenir by Kurt Vonnegut | Book Jacket Design.

A book jacket designed for "Souvenir" by Kurt Vonnegut.
