Untitled Mum is a video piece in which I explore the phenomenon of sensation. I was interested in deconstructing our perception of touch and the idea of the body as it exists in space. Pipilotti Rist was a great inspiration for me; she described the "hysterical actions" and "powerful gestures" portrayed in her work as acts of "personal exorcism". In a similar way, I wanted to express a desire for catharsis through sensationalized bodily movement.

Along the way, I decided to structure the film around the personal myths created in the cycle of every-day life. I wanted to evoke a particular emotional state that corresponded with the struggle towards catharsis.

Inspired by Chris Marker's "La Jet
ée" and its realization of the power of suggestion, I made the decision to use still images edited together in a time-based sequence. The images were taken with a Nikon analog camera around places familiar to me in Singapore, and the piece features my mother as the primary acting talent (thanks, mum).   

Exhibited at SAM at 8Q (Nov '09 to Jan '10) as part of Tactile, a group show.

Shots from Untitled Mum
Early Experiments
Untitled Mum

Untitled Mum

Video piece composed of sequenced still images, exploring emotional interpretations of sensation and movement.
