"Triada" is the result of 3 pieces that I started creating for experimenting with motion graphics technics, composition and looping.
When I finished the first piece I realized that I could reproduce 2 more with some sort of related topic in terms of power between politics, science and religion, allowing me to provide some context to each of the technics that I wanted to try with each work. The individual pieces were uploaded in my tumblr page which I use specifically as a self playground/workshop space. Once I finished them I looked for a way to having the 3 pieces looping together on a higher definition, so I decided to create a full HD video and add a soundtrack that would allow me to complement the context of the theme. For the music I used the track "Instrumental 13" by Flying Saucer Attack.


"Triada" is the result of 3 pieces that I started creating for experimenting with motion graphics technics, composition and looping.
