Profil von Dongwook Yoon

Slim Sculpture Water Purifier

Slim Sculpture of 9cm
The purifier is a modern reinterpretation of comfort and stable sense that comes from a shape and material of the familiar faucet. With the concept of an art work, the objet purifier is intended to change the small confined house space into a valuable space. The fundamental -oriented objet purifier has drastically removed unnecessary functions and structures and as a result, the purifier has become ultra-slim of 9cm.


Reflecting Modern Life Style
The growth of ‘small household’ has become a global trend and demand for small houses is also growing. Considering the global trend, we focused on small and slim design of water purifier. It was designed to provide convenient water purification system without taking too much space in small kitchen as it has become common in modern lifestyle while making sure to add value as a small but esthetically pleasing sculpture, complementing beauty of the kitchen.

Tankless Structure
Most water purifiers have water tank to store and supply water from it, and it is vulnerable to propagation of germs. However, `Simple Sculpture Water Purifier’ has the direct water supply system without a water tank allowing germs no time to propagate as water runs through the filter directly without being stored in the tank.

Slim Sculpture Water Purifier


Slim Sculpture Water Purifier

Slim sculpture of 9cm
