Branding for Senior Week 2016
The Senior Week 2016 identity is an extention of the OHIO University branding, using university fonts and colors to keep consistency with university standards. The brand has its own persona, while being connected to the instututional brand of
Ohio Univeristy.
The mission of Senior Week is to celebrate seniors before they graduate. Every spring, the Ohio University Alumni Association and other units within the univeristy community work together to launch Senior Week, a week-long celebration bursting with exciting events for all of OHIO's soon-to-be Athens and regional campus graduates. Events range from helping students
prepare for their next job, educating seniors about how they can get involved with the Alumni Association after graduation,
or just helping them celebrate their last coupleweeks on campus.
Key indicators for the visual idenity were vivid colors and playful tyography. An outline font was developed for the event based
on university standard fonts. This design will be used annual for the events with a changing color theme that will allow for an evolving aesthetic while mantaining the brand image.
Senior Week 2016

Senior Week 2016

The mission of Senior Week is to celebrate seniors before they graduate. Every spring the Ohio University Alumni Association and other units with Leer más


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