Diksha Basu, 32, Writer and Occasional Actor
Preeti Verma, 33, Owner and designer Runaway Bicycle
Archana, 23, Domestic Help
Supriya, 31, Ad Film Maker
Priyanka Bose, 34, Actor
Ankita Kohli, 28, Freelance Creative Consultant
Shagun Seda Sengupta, 34, Creative Director
Bollamma Apaya, 82, Homemaker
Hetal Ajmera, 35, Designer and partner; Sharpener Inc.
In her Mother's sari.

In her Mother's sari.

A photo series in collaboration with Meera Ganapathi. Photo Assist - Indrajeet Rajkhowa Find the full story on https://thisissoup.squarespace.co Další informace
