Profil von Laia Prades

Des's - My Mattress Savings Bank

agency_ VCCP
client_ Des's

the first mattress incorporating a deposit box

2008 marks the beginning of the worst financial crisis since the great depression. Spanish Banks collapse. Spaniards are concerned about their money and they no longer sleep well. DeS’S, experts on sleep and rest, has the solution: 
My Mattres Savings Bank, the first mattress incorporating a deposit box. 

Media outlets from 74 countries talked about the mattress. 
More than 8 million euros in earned media. 
DeS'S orders increased by 836%. 
100% of their clients slept well.

CEO_ Javier Suso
Executive Creative Director_ Beto Nahmad
Creative Director_ Oscar Moreno
Creative Team_ Walter Belenky, David Sousa, Sonia Romero, 
Sergio Riquelme, Laia Prades

Des's - My Mattress Savings Bank