Madame Dubonnet, Polly, and Percy in the Carnivale scene.
Polly and Tony as Pierrette and Pierrot in the Carnivale scene.
Hortense, the maid.
The schoolgirls, Act 1.
Polly in Act 1.
Bobby and Maisie do the Charleston.
Percy and Madame Dubonnet waltz.
Polly and Tony meet cute, Act 1.
Lord Brockhurst at the beach.
Ensemble, Sur la Plage.
Hortense and ensemble in the "Nicer in Nice" number.
Percy and Madame Dubonnet at the beach.
The Riviera Dance, in the Carnivale scene.
The Boy Friend

The Boy Friend

Photos and designs from Madison Theatre Guild's 2015 production of The Boy Friend, a musical comedy set in the 1920s.


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