Everyday Odyssey Website
Responsive website design and development
The Everyday Odyssey website is the primary online presence for the small interactive & software studio that specializes in the strategy, design, and development of Mobile Apps, Web Tools, and Responsive Websites.
The website was designed and developed with mobile users in mind. Reponsive development techniques including CSS media queries, retina imagery, and scalable SVG graphcis were used to ensure the site performs well and looks sharp accross a multitude of devices. A fluid grid-based layout provides structure for the site and large hit area's on buttons and links make navigating easy on mobile phones or tablets.
Currently over 60% of everydayodyssey.com traffic comes from mobile or tablet-based users, making mobile support essential to their growing business.
Everyday Odyssey Responsive Website

Everyday Odyssey Responsive Website

Responsive website for Everyday Odyssey
