Based on Virginia Woolf
"When we die we return to the place where we came from."
"Je est un autre"

I "is" another. I "is" many others, all even, perhaps.
In this work, I am the junction of some women, all adapted from an agglomerated of influences, inspirations, visual references and dreamed realities.
This project starts with the women who constructed me, who still construct me and who keep being the Me I am each day. They are fictional
  self-portraits, re-interpretations, symbolic reconstructions of what they mean in me.
How much of a character of a book is still present long after I finish reading it? How much of the author herself? And if I grew up with Edih Piaf's voice echoing through the house, how much of her do I have in me?
The entire project was photographed between the villages of my father and my mother, in the secret paradise that Portugal hides northeast. Everything is autobiographical.

This time it was only the women, this time...…
And a lot where left out, for now...
The Images
Based on Janis Joplin
"Freedom is just another word."
Based on Frida Kahlo
"Pés, para que vos quero, se tenho asas para voar."
Based on Jane Austen
"I shall live by my pen."
Based on Edie Sedgwick
"Poor little rich girl."
Based on Maria Luísa
"Quando for grande quero ser padeira como a tia Luísa."
Based on Marie Antoinette
"I have seen it all, I have heard all, I have forgotten all."
Based on Edith Piaf
"Cri du coeur; Et toujours, toujours, quand je chante,Cet oiseau-là chante avec moi."
Je est un autre

Je est un autre

"Je est un autre" I "is" another. I "is" many others, all even, perhaps. In this work, I am the junction of some women, all adapted from an aggl Read More
