All My Logos Up-to-Date
A collection of Design
I always enjoy design logos, it's a great challenge creating a small image that represent not only a company but what a company stands for.
A small mock logo I designed for a dance company
Act To Inspire is a club on the University of Calgary campus that helps aspiring artists, performers, and musicians find a place to present their work and gain experience.
The Developmental Arts Club was re-established by a small team, including myself as the Communications and Marketing Officer, in 2010. I designed this logo keeping in mind that it's a club that promotes art in education and education through the arts.
I illustrated the little image as the client requested an image including a cat as well as a quill.
A fun little logo for a pet store and daycare in the BC Okanagan, the client requested bright warm colours.
A logo that needed to incorporate what the company did, and as a data recovery company, I included representations of data as well as a harddrive.


Collection of Logos
