Profil appartenant à Gavin Troutman

BeHeard Logo Design

The task was to create a logo for the launch of This site allows users to sign petitions in support of current advocacy/political issues. The theme of the overall website is about giving users power to take a stand on issues that effect them.

The brief also asked that the logo does not incorporate images of ears and in fact have a sleek modern look to it.
The font i went with was Agency FB Regular. I have seen this font used in many political commercials and felt that the thin and tall style of it was very modern. It almost mocks the style of another popular font today, Bebas Neue.
I wanted to go with a speech bubble for the design of the logo. I felt that this really was a way to show how people could BeHeard. Going with a different type of speech bubble was a way to make it more modern feeling. I did not think that using something such as an oval or a rounded rectangle would have looked as nice. Cutting off the corner was both a way to make this logo its own and give way for the .org to be placed on.
This is the original shape with the .org included. Later on the client asked for it to be removed from the logo. I must admit that this was a better design choice than I knew at the time.
I took the fact that this website would be a political petition site and used the obvious choice for the color palette. Red, Blue and White.
Here is the original concept with the color palette added. Four options were given to the client for a bit of variety.
Here is the final red logo that the client decided to go with. Much better without the .org added to it.
This is a black and white version of the logo that the client uses at the bottom of his website. Thanks for taking the time to look at my work! I really appreciate it! For more information on BeHeard, go to their website
BeHeard Logo Design
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BeHeard Logo Design

This project's mission was to create a logo for a online advocacy petition site.

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