Design HotOrNot
As President of the ACM SIG-CHI (Computer-Human Interaction) Student Chapter at George Mason University (whew), I had the idea to spread awareness of our academic program (the Arch Lab) through a social website. Since we are all fans of discussing good and bad designs, a sort of "Hot Or Not" was in order.

These are iterations on early sketches that I drew to incorporate a view-vote-repeat style of sequential navigation into a blogpost+comments style of layout.

I took the opportunity to trial another mockup tool, appropriately known as "Mockingbird", and was pleased with the outcome. In particular, the 960gs gridlines (16 columns in this case) were very helpful for a web project. Though the final implementation incorporated several technical compromises and a side-project level of effort, it can be viewed here.
Design HotOrNot

Design HotOrNot

Mocking a HotOrNot site—for design.
