Product Design
LED Lights, Acrylic crystals
Date: 9/12/2014
One of the many beautiful properties of water is the water shadow which is created because of water refraction with the help of light. Usually shadows are dark as the objects block the light coming through while for the water in a transparent container, the shadows produce is brighter, creating its’ own shadow.
Tested and experiment on recreating the shadow where LED lights shine through the different forms of acrylic vessels and the light goes through and recreate the shadow to be seen near the ground or the wall.
After a few experiments, I then get the inspiration from it and built lamps that produce these shadows to the public space at night. From there I linked the idea of value of water to have the calming feeling that gives people when looking at the lamp light and the light produces the shadows on the ground which would make the passer-by feel calm and relax with the light shadows on the floor.
Experimenting with acrylic crystals.
Read more about the studio here
Shadow Lamp

Shadow Lamp

The light produces the shadows on the ground which would make the passer-by feel calm and relax with the light shadows on the floor.



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