Here we have an unknown tropical island in the middle of the ocean, where nuclear testing were carried whilst been run under a dictatorship. This island became a perfect place to keep hidden his barbaric minions and the scientist’s he has kidnapped. It became an uncontrolled and corrupt army base, no function rather than vice. Genetic experiments using radioactive contamination start to take place in this infamous paradise, with the intention of creating dangerous and toxic parties. Men full of ambition are quickly corrupted creating a place where anything could grow up.
. . . 
Everything spiralled out of control. The radioactive levels affected the whole island, from people to nature. Everyday was a party, sluts passed through soldiers hands and science became a terrified game. Drinks were consumed all hours of the day while stoned scientists became crazy, their minds distorting to the new nature of the island. It was a game of chaos resulting in a breach of contamination: some animal experiments caused several critical accidents. Ultimately the authorities had no choice but to close off jungle lab installations. Radiation levels were higher than ever. Animals that had endured an incredible amount of torture and pain had evolved; they gained consciousness, intelligence. They began to form their own experiments.
. . . 
The emotions of anger, fury and revenge left the island in a devastating state. The deranged inhabitants of the island became accustomed to a living hell, where there was no escape, trapped. Nature grew wilder, fighting for control over the island, and justice had a voice. It was when the tropical island was on fire. The island dream ended; thus Trópico de Fuego was named.
. . . 

Raw details and ugly faces.


Wild Miniatures

Wild Miniatures

Jungle, radioactivity, animals, scientifics, death, experiments, toxicity, sluts, palms and more cute things. Three sets and one revenge story.
