Here are some renders I've created for a project called Explosive Stuff. The idea behind Explosive stuff is to explore ideas about happiness. I've just started out with a couple of images for the Facebook page and many of the images below are part of an animation I'm working on called "How to rid yourself of bullies without using a toaster." But I need more time to finish it ... where's the time?! Anyway, I hope you enjoy these. Let me know what you think.
It's kind of rotten ... I got up every morning at five to work on the anti bully animation but after a few weeks of this other work stuff started taking up those early morning hours and now I haven't worked on my labour-of-love-want-to-do-my-bit-to-help-people project for some time. I'll get there ... it's about 75% done.
Here's the Facebook page where I will upload the anti bully animation once it's done:
Eggsplosive Stuff

Eggsplosive Stuff

Egg characters for a project to explore the ins and outs of happiness
