Concept Design of a water bottle
Concept - Paras Johar
A water bottle that uses brass, like the traditional Indian vessels, for water storage.
Purpose - Brass purifies water and has certain healing properties. It also adds some essential minerals to the water which will never be there otherwise. 
Design Brief - Nidhi Johar and me
Creating a travel friendly water bottle that can be manufactured in large numbers, and compete with any other product that is in the market right now, while maintaining the value addition with brass.  
It's a triagular prism so that it balances well.
The brass as a spiral inside, makes for water circulation and even purification.
The proposed material is soft silicone for the body of the bottle and the spout, and hard silicone for the mouth and the cap.
This enables easier cleaning of the bottle - the bottle may be turned inside out like a sock - even to pull the brass spiral out. 
After many versions, rough prototyping and more - we came to this form, shape and size.
Apah - WIP
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