How to tell a story without knowing the story to tell, this was the main premise behind of our first studio film “What If”.
We are pretty structured when comes to animation process, never skipping a step of it,
so in this particular case we decided to try a new exercise and do the exact opposite.
Instead of having a script or a voice over, doing a storyboard or animatic,
we dived in blinded, and try to create a story without knowing what was really happening.
After having some of the scenes animated, we composed the music for it,
a moving-forward song that led the rest of the process.
It was really exciting to see how the “story” evolved and how each of us
constructed a different one in our minds while developing it.
Hopefully something like this would happen while you watch it.
You can download the original soundtrack from here
Direction & Music by Nice Shit Studio
What if
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What if

What If - NiceShitStudio 2016

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