The conduit is a passage of time that takes you through the nightmare of a little boy, Shanay. The glimpses and flashes of his horrific dream reflect in his drastic movements in the very beginning, which further leads you into the dream. While there is an overlying narrative of Shanay being haunted by his own ghost – the alternatively occurring fantastical and surreal imagery represents the absurdity of the dreams we see.
The soundtrack is a compilation of what our school building is for us. It is essentially the journey from the time we get out of the car to the Id scan in the lobby. However the constant repetition of the whistle is metaphorical to the discipline and routine associated with the building. 
Sense of Sound
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Sense of Sound

Project Brief: To create soundtrack by compiling sounds from our college building and consequently visualising a story based on the sound we crea Daha Fazla Bilgi

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