STEAM by design was a course in which we had to use design to make Science Technology Engineering Arts and Maths accessible to children. We had to disect the existing educational concepts so as to extract concepts that could be taught to kids in a fun and understandable way. We got the chance to interact with children of various backgrounds, like, children from well off families in private schools and kids in am orphan learning center.
My focus was on Art, science and a mix of both.
The idea was to use art to break the Student- Teacher barrier as it is something that the students link to fun and enjoyment. The problem that I wanted to address was the preconcieved notions that exist in terms of how things are and how they can be expresses. Like, Trees are to be drawn as two opposite curves with a curly canopy on top or scenery would be a set of mountains 
S.T.E.A.M by Design


S.T.E.A.M by Design

Using design to teach conventional academic topics.
