BDS 101: Think Make (Design Freshman Studio Project)
Design and build a hanging, standing, sitting, or wall-mount light / lantern at least 18”-24” in  diameter.
Students were asked to think about the lightness of light, the immateriality of light and how paper can serve as structure, skin, filter, veil, allowing light to leak out, glow, radiate, shield, etc.. Inspired by thier some initial paper explorations, the students worked to create a repetitive building block/ parts/ pieces or overall structure that will create this form, surface, skin etc. Considered the type of light – incandescent, flourescent, LED. And reminded that they don't forget to think about how you can change the lightbulb.
Material: 1 Ply, 2 Ply, 3Ply, 4Ply White Bristol Board, Light bulb, socket, preferably with a white cord, extension cord
Design competency: the ability to model and visualize solutions before all the information is available.
Design competency: the ability to embody ideas and communication
Develop idea generation through material experimentation and manipulation, while considering context (site/placement of light fixture) in form, ie. size and overall structure. 
Light, Lite, Lantern

Light, Lite, Lantern

Design and build a hanging, standing, sitting, or wall-mount light / lantern at least 18”-24” in diameter. Students were asked to think about the Další informace


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