Cynical Story is an interactive installation that I made in collaboration with Azucena Losana, Andrés Pérez and Giovanni Zapata in the context of BioArt studies for the seminar “History of new media art” at UNA (National University of Art) of Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Water pollution is said to be the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases as it is responsible for the deaths of more than 14,000 people daily.
The water is one of the fundamental elements of the world where the first living organisms were generated in an aquatic environment called “primordial soup”.
We used four jars with droppers. Two of them for “pollutants” and the other two for “cleaners".
The pollutants have red and blue ink dripping from the jar, producing stains in the water inside the glass sphere.
The cleaners are filled with bleach that returns the waters transparency when dripping.
We build an interaction system based on the presence and absence of the user in relation to the piece.
Using two ultrasonic sensors connected to Arduino we could take the variables and data of the distance between the users and the installation. This distance and proximity variables activate four servomotors that controls the dripping rate of the four jars.
Arduino system (blue) and distance sensors (green and red). Below table view.
Servo motors controlling the water flow through Arduino.
Images of the water being treated by “pollutans" and “cleaners".
Cynical Story

Cynical Story

Cynical Story is an interactive bio-art installation.
