This project originated during my Illustrator university course.
The professor gave us a specific item which in my case were: scissors for left handed kids.

I began to research facts about people that were left handed and their unique characteristics, during that investigation I found out that it is said that most kangaroos are left handed a fact which is quite interesting and unique. 
I decided to work with a kangaroo as the brand mascot seeing as I could make his ears resemble a scissor handle and it would also be a great way to draw children's attention to the scissors.  
Thus Nuky was born.

Here you can see what the product stand inside a store would look like, the character Nuky (kangaroo) is a large plush toy sitting one a chair that resembles two pairs of scissors, underneath the packaging with the product would be displayed.
Here you can see a close up of what the product packaging would look like, in this case there is a small slit in the arm where the scissor is inserted and a hole by the feet that allows the scissors to stay in place, you can also use the image above as reference.
This is a visual demonstration of what the Nuky website would look like, besides scissors there are other products for lefties that you can purchase.
Part of the advertising created for the product include flyers like the one below where you are informed that if you buy a Nuky product and activate your receipt on our Facebook page you will enter a raffle to win a large Nuky stuffed animal like the one displayed at the store.
Below is a poster that includes a funny play on words about being left handed.
A magazine ad was created so  that would draw readers attention and inform them of several curiosities about being left handed.
Seeing as there are always a lot of people waiting for the buses we decided to take the opportunity and design a mupi (outdoor poster that you usually find on the street beside a bus stop) as well.
It says: "The number of left handed people in the world seems to be growing by leaps and bounds."
This was done to make a bit of reference to the leaping forward that kangaroos do.

This a sticker design that includes the companies Instagram so that people can learn more about Nuky.. plus, who doesn't love a good sticker?!
Folder design created for back to school giveaways.
Gondula separator that allows the customers to know where the product is located.
Bookmark design that customers can print and make from their own home.
Both pieces are printed out, the bottom piece is folded and glued to make the base of the bookmark and the top piece is glued on top of the base as decoration.
Designs for frequent customer, gift and business cards respectively.
Billboard design that states: "I'm left handed, what's your superpower?"
Postcards customers can purchase or print at home.


Univeristy project consisting of creating a brand for a specific product which in my case was scissors for left handed kids.


Creative Fields