A project created in the frames of Nomada course at School of form. The idea is to commemorate well-known tableware from the times of my childhood which was used for special occasions only, to give it a 'second life' and introduce DIY-approach.
Original forms used for the project
The outcome is a set of baked bowls and dishes made from special dough-mix that make them hard and durable so that they can be actually used as normal plates. 
This project was featured among others in an article on Nomadism by Anna Lorens in Polish KUBUK magazine. https://www.instagram.com/p/1zrJHPN-WC/?taken-by=murushki_patterns 
Sentimental plates


Sentimental plates

Main idea: use old well-known forms and ornaments, full of memories and interpret them in new material, thus, giving them new layer of meanings. Další informace
