Forever Young
KidRobot vinyl figurines + collectibles.

Gaining new enthusiasts and promoting the products and brand "feel" in unique ways.

Many of the current consumers are young professionals who love the idea of being "forever young" despite being in cubicles, or even if they are in creative fields.

Creating fun campaigns that let current and future consumers play a little and share what they do.
KidRobot inspires creativity, mischief, and an attitude of "forever young." These two promotional pieces promote curiosity, getting inspired, going out to explore, enjoying art, supporting local talent, and sharing experiences with friends.
Check in at local boutiques, galleries, museums, theaters, intimate music venues, etc. Some locations unlock items and characters. Collect!
Some locations also have KidRobot toys "hidden", and when you snap a photo, your phone recognizes the image or QR code. This gives you more points. As you visit locations, your points increase via checkins and snapshots.
Some websites and blogs owned by independent artists and designers also unlock items. The more websites you visit and interact with, the higher your chances of earning points.
Use points collected from checkins, snapshots, and web surfing to win store discounts. Rare items collected save you bigger KidRobot prizes and VIP access to limited in-store items.

Collect items/photos via a variety of methods to achieve higher rankings and attain bigger or more unique collections. Win KidRobot discounts and merchandise on the way.
Bubble Heads of KidRobot characters are placed throughout the city. People can "become" their favorite characters and share photos of this.


KidRobot campaign.


Kreativa områden