In mid-2012, I went for a job interview for a small, local company that produced signs/decals for cars, shops, banners etc. After speaking to them, they said they'd be in touch, and would be happy to print off a couple of posters for me, if I wanted. I was very excited about this, and after going home, got to work designing my very own poster, based off my favourite game, the classic Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
They didn't actually get in touch, but I did have a lot of fun creating this, which was the biggest piece of work I'd undertaken. Whilst I didn't get a poster of it, I didn't want to put my work to waste, and from there I stumbled across RedBubble, where I was able to order this very design of my own on a t-shirt.
And that's where it began.
Logos and likeness are the property of Rockstar Games.
Welcome to Vice City

Welcome to Vice City

Welcome to Vice City; a first foray into large size design and vectoring for print.
