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Movie Poster - "The Jogger will be killed in the park"

This is my take on Federico De Musso's "The jogger will be killed in the park" featuring actors Jonathan Hankins and Daniel Shannon‑Hughes. The Film is submitted to Manchester's IndieFlicks (2016 - http://ifshorts.com/).
"On a quiet morning a jogger draws his audience into his past self’s troubles.
We know not where he is running from, but we know where he will end up". (coming soon)
Blob McBarnum presents “The jogger will be killed in the park”.
Actors: Jonathan Hankins & Daniel Shannon‑Hughes.
Produced by Baptiste Ficaja.
Associate Producers: Jonathan Hankins, Daniel Littlejohn‑Carrillo.
Music by Moostroo and Kres.
Audio post production by Luigi Suardi
Edited by Gabriele Galligani.
Directed by Federico De Musso.
Movie Poster - "The Jogger will be killed in the park"

Movie Poster - "The Jogger will be killed in the park"

This is my take on Federico De Musso's "The jogger will be killed in the park" featuring actors Jonathan Hankins and Daniel Shannon‑Hughes.
