“My-sign it’s an online platform dedicated to those who want to express their differences, strengths and discover their world.
Creating your sign and then your profile will allow you to show how unique you are. Be proud of it and make it your strength!”

Role: Graphic Designer at My-Sign (2015) 
Medium: Digital 
Tools: Illustrator 
Object: Initial tutorial | Add Content | Gamification | Feed | Profile
C​reate your sign​
L​anding Page​
Wireframes (User first experience)
The experience begins with a tutorial explaining and showcasing the mains feature of the online platform.
The user is then presented with his personal profile, with a step by step introduction. This profile can be completely customized by the user, giving him the power to express himself as he likes.
iPhone Application​
My-Sign [Social Network]

My-Sign [Social Network]

My-sign it’s an online platform dedicated to those who want to express their differences, strengths and discover their world.
