Steve Martin 的個人檔案Kat Lyons 的個人檔案

Caffeine Selects - WIP

Some of the things that have been done for my group thesis
For more updated news and developments see
This project was a monster to tackle. I started it as my senior thesis and went in knowing virtually nothing about making game assets and rigs. A great deal of the work was learning to work smartly with the hardware limitations and being sparse with geometry for the sake of performance in large environments. I got super finicky with vertex painting as a result of trying to keep things from deforming the silhouette of the characters too noticeably and to continue using my own universal rig, tweaked slightly for each NPC. I hope to get back to production on it again.
I did a simple run through of our final demo for thesis to get an idea of the visuals in motion.
Caffeine Selects - WIP

Caffeine Selects - WIP

A few simple pieces from my group's work in progress game
