(Writing, ink and paper, 80”x 36”)
(Light and shadow within words, plastic paper and foamcore, 36”x24”x10”)
Everything starts with rubbing. Instead of rubbing a real stuff, I decided to “rub” my mind. Rubbing helps me understand the details of material and reality. By writing down several things happened in a specific period of my life again and again, I noice some thing interesting: new details of my memory keep pop up, something keep missing, and by choosing different words, I have different feelings when I read what I wrote. One question raised, What is reality? So I putted on masks over my memory to emphasis uncertainty.
(Floating letters, plaster and plastic bars, 6”x6”x6”)
(Light and Air, plaster and plastic bars, 8”x8”x8”)
After I realized my memory is not accurate, so do my writing, I feel lost. I followed my feeling and translate it into the first object. Structure covered with plaster, but light still could go through solid. Light brings in air and brings in space into this solid as well. 
(Force of Air, plaster, 6”x6”x4.5”)
Only focusing on space, I could feel the strength of light and air. It is a fight between plaster and air. 
(Drawing, paper and charcoal, 120’”x90”)

This is an exploration, not just about reality, material and space, but also about conflict, time and myself. I rubbed my mind to face the reality, however, the only thing I tried to hide, at the end, is the fact about myself. Those unreadable letters carried my intentional forgetfulness. I supposed to be an actor in this scene, playing other people’s life. No one could not tell what is real, because I will be the author of my scripts. Unfortunately, I failed. The work you are looking at now is exact “me”, my mind, my body, my breath, during that period when I was writing myself down. The conflict between fact and the fact I imaged became a fertile earth where only truth can root deeply. Overlap of time generates delusion which invite me to a void with nothing, with everything. I enjoy the chaos of my mind, and also appreciate that language tries to organize everything. Orders may bring in light, chaos will bring in air. The space between orders and chaos is where architecture happen.
I am looking for a theatre, with delightful appearance and grieved heart, with intoxicated behavior and roseate mind. Audience will never be sober in a theatre, for he lives and suffers in the midst of these scenes, experiencing its dreams with deep enjoyment and a sense of delightful necessity. People is no longer audience, he becomes an actor, performing his life.
公開日 :


This is an architecture advanced studio. Starting with rubbing, talking about material, phenomenon and inforamtion.

公開日 :
