Profilo di Mahmutovic Nisveta

Making of "burek" in pictures (Bosnian meat pie)

-It`s a national treasure
For centuries, it has been a national dish along with ćevapćići, therefore making it a key ingredient of every serious ceremony, including weddings, birthdays, general parties - small or large, or simply everyday feasts. It has been said that a female would not be a "marriage material" unless she has perfected the art of  "developing pita". Of course, nowdays this came to be considered another Bosnian myth, but if you ask a serious Bosnian gourmet, including myself, he will certainly tell you how his life would have been empty without home made pita and a lovely wife who knows how to make it...

As you can see, one has to sacrifice good old fashioned ingredients from home country and substitute them to "made in America", but nontheless, if your wife is a good cook, she will wisely adapt to what she has on hands. The recepie is slightly different in each family, thus making it a matter of preference where everyone will brag about "how once his mother or wife used to make a perfect pita".

All I know is that one would use flour, salt and water for dough, and ground or cut beef, onions, pepper and oil...
Making of "burek" in pictures (Bosnian meat pie)

Making of "burek" in pictures (Bosnian meat pie)

Making burek...

