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Telefónica Index on Digital Life (TIDL) report

Telefónica Index on Digital Life (TIDL) report
TIDL is a ground breaking tech report by Telefónica, which unravels a global index ranking 34 countries on the quality of their digital ecosystems. The purpose of this report is partly to challenge current views on how digital economies are defined, because it supports the view that the strength of a country's digital life is a multi-faceted ecosystem.
Art Director: Helen Parker
Agency: Telefónica / Lambie Nairn
Telefónica Index on Digital Life (TIDL) report
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Telefónica Index on Digital Life (TIDL) report

TIDL is a ground breaking tech report by Telefonica, which unravels a global index ranking 34 countries on the quality of their digital ecosystem Lire la suite

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