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Non-Newsworthy Newspaper

The newspaper is a curated collection of one month of global media. All the content was selected to reflect the absurdity in what news has come to – the subject matter and writing styles that today’s reader has been groomed to crave. One central contributor to the change in the content of news is through the change in its delivery. The rise in the Internet and handheld devices has made news sources more abundant and more quickly updated. But the oversaturation has encouraged sensationalism and drama over truth. News is delivered in small bits for an impatient celebrity-obsessed audience; it is less credible as it is demanded more quickly than fact-checking can accommodate. Including new media sources like Twitter feeds, Craigslist, and online magazine writing in the physical paper provides a permanence to the words. Seeing new media displayed in its classic form provides weight to the ridiculous content that cannot be quickly swiped by. The paper includes all original illustrations and collage.
Non-Newsworthy Newspaper

Non-Newsworthy Newspaper

A broadsheet newspaper featuring the most ridiculous and irrelevant content we consider news in today's over saturated and sensationalised media Read More


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