Mariel Chong Ll.'s profile

Education & Museums

On 2016, -for the first time- museums, interpretative centers, libraries and natural parks from all around the country would gather together in the Panamanian Congress of Museums and Education. Three days of conferences, round tables and workshops about the museum's role in the community and in education. 
Outside the conference rooms, each center had its own poster describing its exhibitions and activities. This information would be used to create a catalogue of panamanian museums.
I had the chance to work with them creating branding and visuals for the event, and also the posters and catalogue of the museums. The public attending the congress was really diverse in ages and roles, so we wanted to keep it fresh and interesting, to brake the old paradigm of museums being boring places. So everything was based over two main concepts, the goals of this meeting: CONNECTION and LEARNING.
Education & Museums

Education & Museums

Branding for the Congress of Museums and Education
