Rachel Merrill's profile

Print Design: Theater Poster

For this project I was given an image (see bottom image) to work with, and also given text to include and asked to design a promotional poster as well as a smaller flyer. As I pondered how to approach the project, I decided that I wanted most of all to convey light and joy, as well as to highlight the image of our Savior. I made that image my focal point by giving the rest of the image a lighter value, placing a slight gradient behind the image of Christ so you see a soft light radiating from Him, and making the text "flow out" from that main image. In the words of the hymn, "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow." 
Full-sized Poster
4x6 Flyer
Print Design: Theater Poster

Print Design: Theater Poster

A promotional poster for an Easter production called Savior of the World.
