Portrait Photography

This is a medium to low light shot to the right of the subject. The reflection in the eye and the smoothness of the skin was just right in this case. Some may consider the background too bright but I like the way it compliments her face.
A low light shot of Martina, a fellow student at LIT Clonmel. The light sourse was just of to the left beyond Martina and with the angle of capture I was able to get a good reflection of her eye and nice texture on her skin.
This is a low-light shot of a boy playing by the sofa. The image is mostly black, brown and grey which makes the red car and red jumper stand out of the image. The natural light from the window to the right brings out his face leaving heavy shadows towards camera.
Michael is a fellow student from Clonmel. This shot was done with a hard light to the left of Michael as he stood in front of Patio doors during the night time. I used a strong light with a small aperture and a fast shutter speed to get this shot.
With the light source still to his left and only eight inches from his face I was able to get agood close up of Michael's left face. The colour and reflection of his eyes makes a great focus for this image.
Brian here was shot witht he light source directly behind his right shoulder and to the left of the image, and I took the shot from just below his left shoulder giving a slight upwards angle. This was one of the first shots I ever took with the Nikon D3100 and one of the first I ever took without auto settings. It was a fluke and I am glad I captured it.
This was fun shoot. Jade here had so many faces, expressions and flinchs it was a wonder i got anything at all. This was a hard light shot with the light getting most of her face. There is no back light as she is also standing by a window during the night.
Just sitting on a beach watching the seagulls. This was originally a full colour image that just became perfect as a Black and White.
In this shot the little girl was bouncing on a rope climbing frame so you can just notice the slight blur on her features. There was a fast shutter to help compensate my movement as well as the motion of the subject. I really like the depth of field along the rope.
Portrait Photography

Portrait Photography

A selection of my Portrait Photography during my Creative Multimedia course at LIT Clonmel.

