Arnaud DOS SANTOS's profile

Slurm Identity and Package Design

Slurm Identity and Package Design

Slurm is a fictional soft drink in the Futurama universe. It is popular and highly addictive, and is Fry's favorite drink. It is widely seen throughout the universe. The drink's slogan is 'It's Highly Addictive!' and its distribution is handled by Bureau of Soft Drinks, Tobacco, and Firearms, a parody of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (which is now known as Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives)." [Futurama Wiki]

Projet personnel. Le but du projet était de transformer une boisson fictive en version réaliste.
Je l’ai imaginé aromatisée au citron, je communique sur le côté dynamique et jeune de la boisson.

Personnal project. My realistic vision of SLURM.

Slurm tel qu'on le voit dans Futurama
Slurm as seen in Futurama
Recherche de logo
Research logo
Logo finalisé
Finalized logo
Création de la canette de soda
Creation of soda can
Création d'une affiche de pub Slurm
Creating a poster advertising Slurm
Slurm Identity and Package Design

Slurm Identity and Package Design

My realistic vision of Slurm. Thanks for watching. Follow me !
