Muddy Water Boys 
Paintball Team Identity 
Since 2004 I've been developing my paintball team's brand and it has closely followed my own progression as a designer. I thought I knew what I was doing then, and then my eyes were opened. I've learned a great deal about design and implemented everything into this team. From basic typography to layout, photography, video, all kept me motivated to continuously evolve and better my work. 

The latest has been the step into social media. In order to get what this team is about a little better known, this is the way to go. More to come!
This is the second webisode I created with filming help from Timmy Tallon. I planned all the shots and edited (I need to work on that part) all the video. My goal with this was to get the motion infographics, which I love doing, and I was pleased with them. Lots of motion tracking and masking involved here, and of course there's a decent amount I might do differently...but I'll be working on number 4 here shortly. 
The first official webisode for the team, we went to KC for some paintball in some caves. Timmy Tallon did the filming and editing and I whipped the graphics together. We're working hard to get our sponsors some recognition, so that was the focus on this video.
A little fun at the gun range, I wanted to get some fun shots of us shooting and experiment with getting the names and editing film with After Effects. Obviously the quality isn't that great, mainly because I didnt render it with the best settings.
Euphoria Brushes by ShiftyJ
Muddy Water Boys

Muddy Water Boys

Muddy Water Boys Paintball Brand Development
