Othman Bouharrats profil

Product concept: Evian Hibiscus

Evian Hibiscus
The clear Mineral water of Evian with Hibiscus extracts
Past years, Sustainability, the environment and healthcare have been growing topics in the worldwide community and companies are totally aware of that. In the Netherlands, healthcare went from medical affairs to be a major topic in the food industry these days.
Evian is a brand that exclusively produces bottled mineral water from a protected region in France. Despite its huge succes worldwide, it is still a generally unknown brand in the Netherlands. For several reasons. Competition was there a long time before, but defenitely the biggest reason is the high quality of tap water in Dutch households.
Personally, I think Evian could become a great brand in the Netherlands. The only way is a brand new product. In the context of healthcare, I did little research on the web and found that the number of people in the age of fifty will double the next 10 years. That means the issues that involve those people most will be doubled too. An appreciated statistic agency in the Netherlands tells that a minimum of 1 million people in the Netherlands have cardiovascular deseases. That immediately tells that more than 1 million people in The Netherlands have at least high blood pressure, which is the major reason of cardiovascular desease. We all know this desease reaches mostly people of fifty years and older. This brief research clears the question which way Evian needs to go: A product that at least reduces the blood-pressure into a nominal line.
I always try to find a gap in the market and that is what I have done now. Till this moment, there is no specific food product in the market that tackles high blood pressure. The gap in the market is bottled 'flower water'. Flower water is flower extracts added to mineral water. There are millions of flowers, but there is one type of flower that tackles high blood pressure the best. Dried Hibiscus flower. Hibiscus is a very popular flower in several African/Asian countries. It is been used to make tea with and they are also aware of the positive effects of Hibiscus on blood pressure. The addition of dried Hibiscus extracts with Evians mineral water as a concept is an unknown combination and a new market field by itself. 
There is of course more needed to create a great concept that catches the brain before it catches the eye.

Slides below give a clear view on the final purpose of this product.
by Othman Bouharrat
**This concept is fully issued in a strategic marketing plan.
Product concept: Evian Hibiscus

Product concept: Evian Hibiscus

Evian water Product Concept: Evian Hibiscus. - For our parents and grandparents who want to 'Live Young'!
