We, a group of artists using etching and stamp techniques, ENTINTA, have created a Project called “L’Empremta d’una passió”. The project consists on create our pieces of art concerning a wine tasting and over more a poetry, also inspired by some delicious wines.
We all made at least two pieces on etching for the two parts of the project. The first part was not including the catalan poets. But the second part yes it does.
The images showed here are specifically from this second part. The one which I’m most proud of it and the one I enjoyed most.
My poet partner was Carles Morell, a young but brilliant new catalan poet talent. His poetry is called “Artificialització” from which I have inspired. 
A partir de la naturalesa de l’artifici del Cabernet Franc
Sang, la sang i el vi, la sang que empeltava
la fossa, la rialla propedèutica
dels marges del discurs;
morfina que t’injectes,
l’ombra de l’ombra,
troballes vora el blanc en hàbits densos
que la sordina calma.

Mira el sostremort, la cambra eixuta de ràbia.
Els silencis esclaten a la fusta,
vora pàgines de dol i d’absència.
L’absis del crit inocula ventades
de mar infantil. 
Anyell tendre
que foragites pensaments que cremen:
mira, sobretot, el sostremort de la cambra, 
les mentides que pengen de la fusta
com la saba, resina que, amb paciència,
et regalima pell avall.
Ara arriba el vespre i calen estigmes
de força capritxosa
a mode de recordatori
que permetin conservar la claror
de la jornada.
Seu i fes la guerra. Fes-la. Convoca-la.
Beu-te la sang i el vi.
Mira, sobretot, el sostremort de la cambra.
We have exhibit the project both in two important libraries in Barcelona, in one of them the poets came to inspired us with their poetry reading and in the other one we did the wine tasting for the audience. In Llibreria Documenta and in Llibreria Jaimes respectively. Here are showed some photos I could take. 
Check out more information here:
We have also print an origianal limited editon book with the whole poets and artists creations.


We, a group of artists using etching and stamp techniques, ENTINTA, have created a Project called “L’Emprempta d’una passió”. The project consis Read More
