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Paper Sample Package

Night Owl Paper Co.
promotional paper sample packet
I'd like you to meet Albert Biddamen Chuttlewurst Reginald Haverfield III. He is a kind little owl that is currently a little mixed up. You see, "Al", as we will call him for short, had an unfortunate acorn incident. Not too long ago, a nasty little acorn fell from above while Al was slumbering the day away, and caused him a severe case of directional dislexia and amnesia. For some reason, Al has got it in his little owl brain that he must migrate south for the winter with all the ducks, geese, and the like. Please join him on his journey around the world and see where he ends up!
*a photo paper company that sends out promotional and buildable birdhouses, featuring Al on his travels around the world. 
Paper Sample Package

Paper Sample Package

Promotional paper sample packet


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