Le Stagioni di Milano - Audioguida

Le Stagioni di Milano
Sulle orme della memoria di Colaprico
Le stagioni di Milano is a project of territory design on Milan, which aim is to communicate the writer Piero Colaprico and his idea of the city. This project is based on a transmidia system, that consists in four different artefacts: a website, an audio guide, a small social campaign and an installation. Here we want to present the application. It consists in an interactive audio guide that 
takes the user for a walk around the streets of Milan and allows them to discover new places and to know facts and curiosity about the city. How? Following Binda’s voiceover and engage in different and involving activities on-site. This app is designed for whoever wants to live an immersive experience of the city and follow a journey from a storytelling perspective through Binda’s memories.

To learn more about the project and to view the other artifacts follow this links:
-   Le stagioni di Milano - Website
-   Le stagioni di Milano - Current project
-   Le stagioni di Milano - Social campaign
-   Le stagioni di MIlano - Installation

Lab. of Sintesi Finale C1

Lisa Uguzzoni, Ilaria Tabasso, Erika Sambusida, Fabrizio Ponzelletti, Anna Cont
G.Baule, D.Calabi, M.Quaggiotto
Politecnico di Milano
Simulation video which shows how the navigation works inside the app
Simulation of the transmedia system
Le Stagioni di Milano - Audioguida

Le Stagioni di Milano - Audioguida

This is part of the bigger project Le Stagioni di Milano.
