Henkilön David Crunelle profiili

Pizza is the moonwalk of food

and you know it

text replaced following Elsa's suggestion
Summary: The extraordinary declaration of love to pizza by David Crunelle.

Belguim Graphic Designer David Crunelle has submitted an adorable series of digital art prints to the public review. The main task - the play on words, in this case - "Pizza" and frequently encountered mainstream phrases.
The result is impressive and You know why - it is impossible not to love pizza. Really.


The Tao of Pizza
by David Crunelle

Have you ever stopped to contemplate the wonder that is pizza? Have you marveled at its perfect shape, its myriad and diverse toppings, the feeling you had when you first ate a pizza, that wonderful sensation that yes, there was symmetry to the Universe? David Crunelle knows the zen that is pizza, creating these introspective designs to help you in your meditations on pizza and your oneness with this cosmic slice of nirvana.

only if you like pizza
Pizza is the moonwalk of food

Pizza is the moonwalk of food

A design exercice dedicated to pizza, which is, at the end, the only important thing in life.
