Ashley Chens profil

Green Sustainable Building

This Green Sustainable building (otherwise known as the GSB) is a communal building designed for the near future. Positioned to fit the existing city grid, its cylindrical shape, and vertical height allows the maximum implement of renewable energy and sustainable resources.
Solar Panels provide maximum renewable energy source for the building. 
This green self sustainable building is designed to implement passive cooling. Constructed with a steel structure and panels of glass, this building allows maximum sunlight for the aeroponic and hydroponic systems on site. 
Demonstration of how water is recycled from the hydroponic and aeroponic system. After the usage for plants on the higher levels, water is collected, place through filters, and reused in the fresh water aquarium. Any water distributed from the tank would be filtered and reused in order to minimize water waste.
These are the customer options for when they travel to the communal building. There are four options, the first floor consist of a market place to buy produce, a town hall meeting center in the courtyard, a garden pathway on both the first and second level and a fresh water aquarium on the third floor for viewing and educational purposes. Any levels above the third floor are restricted to only employees. 
Sequence of the employees on a daily basis. They are decontaminated before heading into the upper levels. Once decontaminated, they are stationed to a room to harvest the produce. After entering, the employees review the monitor that indicated what sections are ripe, which are also indicated by the LED lights above the containers. This allows for a quick harvest. After they complete their task, the fresh produce is placed into a cart and wheeled downstairs to the market. 
Green Sustainable Building

Green Sustainable Building

This communal building strives to provide the local community with a sustainable source of healthy produce and environment while decreases the re Läs mer


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