This graphic novel was made as a part of a project called 'Art for change'
"Misogyny: Dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women" - Oxford dictionary
We chose internalized misogyny as an issue to bring about a change in. The medium of hand inked graphic novel was chosen, inspired by Marjane satrapi’s work and artistic style. We developed a sarcatic storyline, targeting an audience of 15+, both men and women. The protagonist, Miss ogyny, is inpired from Marvel superheroes, familiarity making it visually captivating. Furthermore, artistic features like comic expressions, complex angle views and visual repetition have been used for the same.
Scripting, developing characters and storyboarding
Printed copy (text added using Adobe Illustrator)
Some spreads from the novel
Click here to view the entire graphic novel
Miss Ogyny


Miss Ogyny

Miss Ogyny, a hand inked graphic novel, addresses the omnipresent issue of internalised misogyny. The novel tries to bring it out in a sarcastic Read More
