David Ritter's profile

The twelve Hypothesis prjkt

Initiated in late 2011 this project aimed to create illustrations throughout the year 2012, with a picture per month.
Alerted by various “prophets” and prophecies relayed by the media more seriously, the public was informed to the end of our “world” scheduled for December 21, 2012.
Subject of several more or less serious documentary, it was by watching one of them that I got the idea to illustrate, how equally crazy sometimes, 12 hypotheses for our “end of the world.”

At the discretion of the viewer, these images revealed the mechanisms announced an end to the twelfth and final hypothesis, published December 22 just after the… non-event.
View full post and/or download pictures on my website : 
Thanx for watching ,)
The twelve Hypothesis prjkt


The twelve Hypothesis prjkt

The project is not finished yet, one illustration per month to come... the end is near ,) dec. 2012 !
