Profilo di Sankhalina Nath

Office Stationary for Dr. Avantika Saraf

In Buddhism, the lotus is the symbol of body, speech and mind. The body is also known to have these chakras that are vital to its health and well-being. Yoga, in its various asanas, aims to restore balance to these chakras that in turn help in healing the mind, body and the soul.

Dr. Avantika Saraf is a naturopath and yoga physician. To design the visual language of her office stationery I used the symbolism of lotus and chakras, which together communicate healing and well-being of the body and mind.
Office Stationary for Dr. Avantika Saraf


Office Stationary for Dr. Avantika Saraf

Office stationary for naturopath and yoga physician, Dr. Avantika Saraf.
