Deadpool Tribute Phase 3

Here is Phase 3, the final of our tribute to 20th Century Fox's "Deadpool" - “Based upon Marvel Comics’ most unconventional anti-hero, DEADPOOL tells the origin story of former Special Forces operative turned mercenary Wade Wilson, who after being subjected to a rogue experiment that leaves him with accelerated healing powers, adopts the alter ego Deadpool. Armed with his new abilities and a dark, twisted sense of humor, Deadpool hunts down the man who nearly destroyed his life.”
We are announcing a little contest where 3 lucky fans can win a free copy of the Deadpool print of their choosing from our collection in Phase 1, Phase 2 or Phase 3.
CONTEST RULES:  (sorry kids, “the man” ALWAYS has rules and regulations) –
Tweet an image of your favorite Deadpool print from Phase 1, Phase 2 or Phase 3
Tweet must include the following:
the image you like
the artist’s Twitter tag (aka @PAIDesign)
the following:  ” #MyFavoriteDeadpoolPrint by the @PosterPosse “
You can enter as MANY times as you want with as many IMAGES as you want.
Yes, foreigners are welcome. This contest is open to all the lovely boys and girls every where all over this big blue marble we live on.
3 random winners will be chosen on February 12th. (There is something else happening that day but it eludes us at this time.)
Contest begins at noon Feb. 5th and ends midnight Feb. 12th (Damn it, WHAT else is going on Feb. 12th!  It’s killing us!)
Winners will be notified via TWITTER on Feb. 12th….WAIT, I’ve got it, Feb. 12 is when Aunt Mabel comes to visit!
by Paul Ainsworth
by Doaly
by Sharm Murugiah
by Matt Needle
by Daniel Nash
by Andy Fairhurst
by John Hughes
by Orlando Arocena
by Orlando Arocena
by Orlando Arocena
Stop by The POSTER POSSE'S OFFICIAL WEBSITE to see this project and many more.
Deadpool Tribute Phase 3